Thursday, January 1, 2009


A damp and miserable New Years day but loads of fun to be had. Today, Paul went for a hack with his daughter for the first time together. This was a great way to mark progress of great things to come in the New Year. The hack lasted 1 hour 40 minutes and took in some of the quiet lanes to the village of Woodchurch. Jerry the organic horse got a little twitchy in places due to birds flying from a bush, bird scaring guns going off in a faraway field and a builders newly erected notice board. Flint ridden by Ellie (9) was rock solid and literally didn't move a muscle. The picture shows Paul and Ellie about to embark and Jerry after the hack steaming up the yard kitchen window - we fed him treats through the window as it was a special day. Happy 2009 to all.

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